Sunday, 8 May 2011

Mock Layouts

I created this on photoshop using images I took of buildings in Kentish Town and of Kentish Town City Farm. I like the idea of creating layers made up of different parts of Kentish Town to reflect the diverse mix of the community
 I have been working on some mock layouts / playing around on photoshop and wanted to share some of the results on here. It is taking ages so I don't have all that much to show and they are all just to give you an idea for general feel so very much works in progress but I thought I would put them here so you can have a look and I can get feedback.
This and the following image were made using photos I took of the architecture in K Town and were inspired by the 'Enchanted Palace' print that is on my mood board and that we all liked. I like the graphic style of these.

Just playing around with the idea of layers that Alexia spoke about - this is just a jokey one really but I liked the idea of mixing photographs, sketches and graphics

Another photo I took of a building in Kentish Town... Thinking about the use of colour, our colour scheme and a more graphic pop arty style

Playing with interesting ways of presenting images / ideas...

A very rough mock layout idea for the contents page... I made the row of houses using photos I'd taken of different buildings in Kentish Town - I liked the idea of making a fictional street like this and the sketchy style.
Then I played around and made this background on photoshop - you can't see it very clearly here but there are maps of Kentish Town (old and modern ones) layered in the back ground

A work in progress layout idea for the art section (N.B the post-its aren't part of the design but my own notes on the layout)


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