Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Who is the Fox?

FOX: our manifesto

- Fox is a reinvention of the community magazine. It serves the same purposes as your traditional community magazine, but is presented in a fresh and trendy way.

- Fox promotes the people and spirit of Kentish Town. It is affectionate and witty

- Fox is homegrown, organic and rustic.

- Fox is for the people and of the people. Fox is down to earth - just like a fox is an animal of the street.

- Fox is for the working Kentish Towner - see statistics below: income bracket £18,000 and £35,000. Core target age range: 25-35, however including all people in the community so will feature people each side of this age bracket too. 

- Fox has keen eyes - it looks at things in a fresh way and celebrates things other people might ignore.

- Fox wanders the streets of Kentish Town and discovers interesting people and places

- Fox is a magazine of contrasting harmony - it gives a snapshot of the multi-faceted community that is Kentish Town.

This is Fox. So everyone, when you write your articles or prepare visuals you should all the time be thinking: what would the Fox do?


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