Saturday, 7 May 2011

Website Research

This website for the cool shop 'merci' in Paris isn't a website as such as this homepage literally is all there is to it, but I really like the style of the text and the illustration - I think using illustrations in our magazine and on the website would work well.
Ok so you will all soon realise that of the website research I have been doing none of them are fashion magazine websites. This is because I think pretty much all magazine websites are extremely boring. Why do they all have to look near on exactly the same? Who dictates this? I think we should focus on doing something a bit different that really fits in with our magazine and overall aesthetic. None of these are the perfect model but of the ones shown here there are certain elements that I really like. I'm still looking but this is all for now....
This website for the artist Fred Butler: isn't what we would be wanting to do - it's wrong in style and a little tricky to navigate I think, but I do like its interactivity and also the way each page has stuff going on in the background. It is interesting to look at and is a bit different.

Yes, this is a website for a company that sells frozen yoghurt (completely off subject, you have to visit. It's incredible. And healthy. Wow) but I quite like the concept of the website, even if the execution is a bit simple. I also like the way they use sound on their website and it made me think we should think about using sound on ours - the sounds of Kentish Town are a massive USP... sounds from the farm, the street, the railway etc. Another website that uses sound well is the french shop Colette Instead of random sound effects they use a play list at the top of the screen and I think this is a really interesting idea - we could do it for musicians based in Kentish Town.
On the Yog website they also have this 'cow tv' which is funny but it made me think about how we are  going to link our broadcast to our magazine... we have to show a 30second trailer on the website and as the previous comment, although the execution isn't exactly what we'd want to do I did like this idea.

I don't particularly like the style of these images for our magazine but I thought this got across the idea of building up layers etc in our pages.

I like the Fifi Lapin blog for the way the blogger has created this unique and amusing identity of a fashionable rabbit. It made me think about 'Fox' and how we could create a character out of the Fox and make it witty and quirky.

I don't particularly like this magazine, 'Oh Comely' but I do like aspects of it... I like the idea of using polaroid images, and I like this type. Also aspects of their website are interesting... (see below and

On the 'Oh Comely' website they have one section called 'portraits'. I found this REALLY interesting. Our magazine is largely focused on people so why not have a series of portraits of Kentish Towners? It is an easy and visually interesting way to include more people in the magazine without having to seek out more lengthy interviews. Maybe these portraits could just show the name of the person and their profession - might be more powerful that way - or it could have a few questions from them about their life or what they like / dislike about K Town. And as I really liked the idea of polaroids could we do it as polaroids even? And get the people to sign their name or write one thing that Kentish Town is to them on their photograph?

This is the shop 'Toast's online scrap book - I really liked the style of it and also the idea of a 'summer book' as well as this style of photography. It made me think that one thing we need in the magazine is a 'summer calendar' of things coming up in the summer - this is something we can all research and add things to that we find along our travels / in our research.
This is Toast's summer look book that you can flick through online. I liked the idea of having a compressed version of our magazine that you can flick through online.
This is the online shop for the store Anthropologie. I really like the text used in the different tabs and think it works well with the aesthetic we are going for. The image below is also from their website.

This website is for a project called The Shop Floor Project- have a look at the website: It is really interactive and a real busy mix of images which I think works well with our ideas for the aesthetic of the magazine. It is not your standard website and I love it for that reason. Do have a good navigate through the website.

On the website they have a blog 'The Shopkeeper's Journal'. I really like the idea of having a blog that is additional to the website and also the idea of it following a character to do with Kentish Town. Alternatively it could just be a blog of 'The Fox'. It could give up to date info about things going on in Kentish Town, think about the blog 'The Kentish Towner' - follow this link:


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